Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rainy Days!!

Okay, today's a little too rainy and I can't upload the pictures from our camera that I want, so we're stuck with sunny beach pictures from a couple of months ago! This day was a lot of fun, actually. As we've mentioned to a few of you, we are closer to a beach (about 10 min) than we are to our church building (about 20 min). These pictures were from I was invited to go with a lady from our ward who practically lives at the beach. So, against my better judgment (which is mostly just paranoia) I took all the kids by MYSELF!! We were even playing at the edge of the water for quite a bit of them time. Afterward I was pretty proud of myself (and extremely happy that we got home with ALL of the kids). Everyone had a BLAST! And they were begging to go back for the rest of the week.

Tonight we are going to a muti-church Thanksgiving dinner held at a local Jewish temple. Our bishop is actually speaking there, so it will be interesting to see what it's like. They do this every year and they canceled YW so everyone could go. I'm in Young Women's again in this ward and I'm REALLY amazed at the youth in our ward. They are happy and sweet and really uplifting to be around. Derek is the Sunday School President, which is what he was doing before, also. I guess we have stamps on our heads--'cause we didn't tell anyone.

Derek's schedule just got a LOT better for the next 4 weeks starting today. YEAH!

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