It's been a long week, so I am going to write about an experience that in my mind was a miracle: We were going to Stake Conference and arrived about 15 minutes early (no, that wasn't the miracle). I'm very grateful because even though Derek has to leave before we wake up in the morning and doesn't come home until after our kids go to sleep, he does have 2 out of 4 Sundays off for this rotation. So, we were looking for a seat--Derek was determined to get a soft seat--and found the 2nd row in the congregation was empty on the side. Okay, this had to be my biggest nightmare. Now it was our opportunity to preform for the WHOLE stake! I was terrified!
Inside myself I thought, "Okay, we have been reading the scriptures as a family and having Family Home Evening and saying family prayers. Maybe we will be blessed and our kids will be able to be calm throughout the meeting." But then I remembered Stake Conference is 2 hours and thought, "No way can they sit still for that long!"
Well, it just so happened that we sat behind the row for deaf people who had an interpreter doing sign language for them. My kids are really excited about sign language because of their "Signing Time" videos and a little sign language we do in our family. The choir was amazing and really got everyone's attention--including our kids. Then they played a violin solo that also impressed them very much. To make a long story not so long, they were quiet until the last 5 minutes when I had to take Josh out for throwing a fit in the aisle!! MIRACLE!!!! They were even quiet when a bee buzzed past the bench we were on and landed on the lady's shirt in front of us. Derek got a tissue from someone and grabbed the bee and put it in my scripture case. Still, not a peep from our kids!!
So I guess what I'm saying is that God will help us if we are trying our very hardest! Sometimes we want Him to help us the way WE want Him to help us, but other times we aren't expecting help and He surprises us with a MIRACLE.
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