Sunday, December 7, 2008

One Delivery for 6 Kids!

Okay, I'm still a little traumatized by the birth of my WONDERFUL twin boys. It has taken me three weeks to write about it. Maybe I'm weak, but 36 hours of labor and almost 4 hours of pushing really wasn't what I was planning. The best news for me was that I didn't have to have a C-section (I was really close to having one). I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for my beautiful baby boys!! When Derek and I were talking about everything later, I told him I shouldn't be surprised that it was difficult because I got 2 babies from one delivery. He corrected me and said we got 6 babies in one delivery! :)


Katie said...

Congratulations! I've been wondering how the delivery went! I'm so happy for you and your special family.

The Higgins Family said...

Derek told me about the delivery. WAY too long. You are a trooper!!! The boys are sure beautiful... wish we could see them! I know the adjustment must be insane, but I also know you are dealing and adapting with more grace than you realize. ;) You're just so amazing and I love seeing you loving, teaching, adapting, playing with, mommying your awesome kids. I'm so glad you're my sister-in-law! Y'all are always in my prayers (babies are wonderful, but they are HARD... x2! Man!).
Sending our love,

Blackson family said...

Amy! Congratulations with your twin boys! I love the names, especially Spencer. (I have a Spencer!) They are handsome! Hang in there, it's all worth it at the end!

Jessica said...

Congratulations! I am glad everything went well, although I can't imagine being in labor for 36 hours or pushing for four hours. That sounds excruciating. I'm amazed you survived. :)

Congratulations again.

Stewarts of Sheridan said...

I happened to browse through an old email address and got the news about the twins arrival! We are so excited for you guys. Make it through this first year, and you can make it through anything! (Of course, you probably already feel that way just after the labor and delivery part!!) Much love and many blessings! ~Jenn, Bret & the girls

Wendy Whitmer Shaffer said...

Oh Cousin! I am so sorry that labor and delivery was so traumatic - perhaps less than the realization that you have gone from four very active and young kids to 6 in an extremely short amount of time - but 4 hours of pushing, OH MY!!!

I love you so much. You are such beautiful cousin. I will keep you in my daily prayers always. I will think of you when I feel I cannot handle my four little tasmanian devils!!!

Love, Wendy Whitmer Shaffer