Sunday, November 2, 2008

Baby Shower

My dear sweet friends, Amy, Cortney and Lindsey. I'm so very thankful to have so many friends out here in New York. I really amazed at how well we have settled out here. I feel so close to so many people in our ward. Now that I'm not in Young Women's, I miss being able to spend so much time with them, but life must go on! :) They put so much time into my baby shower and it was so kind of them. Lindsey (in purple) is a neo-natal nurse at a hospital here and has given me ALL KINDS of great advice. I think I'll be calling her at 1am in the morning when I need MORE!


The Higgins Family said...

We are so happy y'all are so well taken care of so far away. Yay for wonderful friends! And I love the belly! We are so excited for the twins to come. We're praying for you all . :)

Rachel said...

I am so excited for you. I can't believe your dr. won't induce until 38 weeks. I hope you can hold out long enough. I woke up the morning I hit 37 weeks and knew those babies were coming that day. Your tummy is beautiful I don't know what you were so afraid of. Amy you can call me whenever too I know how hard it is and sometimes you just need an ear to listen. I wish I could be there to help. Life will resume in about 5 months so just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will be o.k. Love you soooooo much!

Stewarts of Sheridan said...

I agree ... that belly pic is GREAT! You are on the home stretch now. Those babies are going to be nice and big and beautiful. Take LOTS of pictures in the hospital. You will be so busy, it will be easy to forget to capture those precious moments. They certainly don't stay that small for long, as you know! Best of luck!
Jenn & Bret & the girls

Blackson family said...

Hi Amy! I saw your sister in law last Saturday and found out you have moved and expecting twins. Congratulations and best wishes! What exciting news for you, Derek, and your adorable 4 children! How have you been? Looks like you have your hands full. Take care and would love to hear from you when you get a second. Stef Checketts Blackson