Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wonderful Sunday!

Since Derek's schedule has taken an unexpected turn for the worse, we have seen little of him this week. We miss him and we were SO thankful he had Sunday off! This past Monday I was in a fender bender where a young girl turned left into our van AND AMAZINGLY none of us were hurt. The van also had minimal damage. I know Heavenly Father protected us!! So I promised some trip details (a little late? yeah): We had a lot of fun down in Arizona with Derek's family. All together in 2 houses in Peoria. WOW! It was so good for all of us and we know we can't stay away from family for very much longer than we have to. We spent one afternoon in the Children's Museum in Mesa. (It's amazing what you find when you don't live in an area anymore.) The kids are still talking about a kitchen area where they could pretend to make meals--simple things entertain the most!!

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